
Katharina Sykora is laureate of the Wissenschaftspreis 2021
Aby-Warburg-Stiftung awards its scholar's prize to the Berlin art historian, Professor emerita at the Institute for Art History and Aesthetics, Braunschweig University of Art
Katharina Sykora is an art historian who after working as researcher in archives and museums was professor at Ruhr University Bochum and Braunschweig University of Art (HBK) from 1994 until 2018. She held Guest Professorships and fellowships at the University of Bloomington, Indiana, the Rockefeller Center, Bellagio, and the Thomas Mann House, Pacific Palisades, among others.
In her research she focuses on visual constructions of gender and authorship, on representations of affects and death, on classification systems and their perception, and on intertextualities between photography, painting, and film.
A selection of her monographic work includes: Überfliegen. Figuren erratischer Wahrnehmung (Göttingen 2021); Die Tode der Fotografie, vol. 1: Totenfotografie und ihr sozialer Gebrauch (Paderborn and Munich 2009); vol. 2: Tod, Theorie und Fotokunst (Paderborn and Munich 2015); Figurenspiele. Texte zum Film (Marburg 2013); As You Desire Me. Das Bildnis im Film (Cologne 2003); Unheimliche Paarungen. Androidenfaszination und Geschlecht in der Fotografie (Cologne 1999).
As editor or co-editor she published among others: Migration as Agitation – The Photographic Beyond the Image (Vienna 2016); Valenzen fotografischen Zeigens (Weimar 2016); Fotografische Leidenschaften (Marburg 2006); Was ist ein Künstler? Das Subjekt der modernen Kunst (Munich 2003); Körperproduktionen. Zur Artifizialität der Geschlechter (Marburg 2002); Die ‚Neue Frau‘. Eine Herausforderung für die Bildmedien der Weimarer Republik (Marburg 1993).
Date and title of Katharina Sykora’s laureate lecture at the Warburg-Haus are to be announced in the near future.