Warburg Professorship 2018
Alexander Honold, Basel
We are delighted that Alexander Honold holds the Warburg Professorship 2018 of the Aby Warburg Foundation and is staying at the Warburg-Haus from April to July 2018. Prof. Dr. Alexander Honold is Professor of modern German literary studies at the University of Basel since 2004. After studies of German and Comparative Literature, Philosophy and Latin American Studies in Munich and Berlin, he completed his PhD in 1994 at Freie Universität Berlin with a thesis on Robert Musil and World War I. His Habilitation was completed in 2002 with a treatise on astronomy in the works of Friedrich Hölderlin.
Alexander Honold has taught, amongst others, at the Freie Universität Berlin, at Huboldt-Universität Berlin, at the University of Konstanz and the University of Basel; the most recent of his numerous international research stays were as a Senior Fellow at the IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies, Vienna, University of Art and Design Linz (October 2017-January 2018) and as Max Kade Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (January-March 2018).
His research areas include the study of narration (the history of genres, forms and media of narration), the cultural theory of classical modernism, travel literature, intercultural and postcolonial literary studies, the semantics of landscape and cultural topography, texts and authors from Switzerland and Austria, literary theatre and play (in and since the Goethe era) as well as literature and music (cooperation between, transfer of forms and mutual dealings with each other).
Monday, July 2nd, 7 pm
“Rausch, Taumel, Schicksalsergebenheit: Im Planetarium des Krieges”
„wir suchen unsere Ignoranz auf und schlagen sie, wo wir sie finden”
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Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg / OnThisDay