
Bernd Nicolai
Foto © UHH RRZ/MCC, Mentz

Qatar University Liberal Arts and Science Building (Arato Isozaki)
Foto courtesy Bernd Nicolai

Leonard Komplex, New York City (Herzog & de Meuron)
Foto courtesy Bernd Nicolai
Bernd Nicolai’s lecture online
Globalized Architecture - A Critical Perspective
Bernd Nicolai, Professor of Art History and Director of the Division of Architecture History and Monument Preservation at the Institute of Art History at the University of Bern, gave a lecture on architecture in the age of globalization on Tuesday August 22nd. It was a public lecture in the context of the seminar for advanced students on “Power and Representation” (Shanghai and Hamburg), a cooperation of the Institute of Art History of the University of Hamburg together with the Institute of Art History at the University of Bern in partnership with the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, Shanghai. The seminar was held in Shanghai from July 8 to July 22 and in Hamburg from August 19 through August 26.
The lecture has been recorded by the e-learning team of the Faculty of Humanities and is on view on the platform Lecture2Go of Hamburg University.

Lecture by Jacqueline Jung online
Long mediated by a few highly artificial photographs made in the 1920s, the monumental Pillar of Judgment (a.k.a. Pillar of Angels) in the thirteenth-century south transept of Strasbourg Cathedral has come to be understood as a fairly straightforward, if singular, example of Gothic religious art…
Publikationen / Wissenschaftspreis

Jacqueline E. Jung ist Wissenschaftspreisträgerin 2016
Aby-Warburg-Stiftung zeichnet Forscherin der Yale University aus
Jacqueline Jung lehrt als Associate Professor am Department für Kunstgeschichte der Yale University europäische Kunst und Architektur des Mittelalters. Die Forschung zur figürlichen Skulptur in Deutschland und Frankreich bildet dabei ihren Schwerpunkt. Ihr Buch ‚The Gothic Screen: Space,…