Just published: Beyond Egyptomania. Objects, Style and Agency
Volume 21 of the Warburg-Haus Studies
edited by Miguel John Versluys
June 2020, ISBN 978-3-11-056425-9 (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-11-056584-3 (eBook), € [D] 68,95
The material and intellectual presence of Egypt is at the heart of Western culture, religion and art from Antiquity to the present. This volume aims to provide a long term and interdisciplinary perspective on Egypt and its mnemohistory, taking theories on objects and their agency as its main point of departure.
The central questions the book addresses are why, from the first millennium BC onwards, things and concepts Egyptian are to be found in such a great variety of places throughout European history and how we can account for their enduring impact over time. By taking a radically object-oriented perspective on this question, this book is also a major contribution to current debates on the agency of artefacts across archaeology, anthropology and art history.
Gespenster in Europa. Alternativen für ein anderes Zusammenleben
Themennachmittag mit Kuratorenführung im Kunstverein in Hamburg und Podiumsgespräch im Warburg-Haus
zur Ausstellung Klassenverhältnisse – Phantoms of Perception 17 Uhr Kuratorenführung in der Ausstellung mit Bettina Steinbrügge, Benjamin Fellmann und Tobias Peper Kunstverein, Klosterwall 23 19 Uhr, Warburg-Haus: Podiumsgespräch Gespenster in Europa. Alternativen für ein anderes…
Ausstellung / Politische Emotionen
Hila Laviv: SommerHaus-CutOut
An exhibition and performance in the reading room inspired by Anna Warburg's memory album, October 15th + 18th, 2018
Curated by Gil Cohen. Monday, October 15th, 7.30 pm Thursday, October 18th, 7 pm Inspired by Anna Warburg’s memory album of the Kösterberg, the historic family estate of the Warburg family in Blankenese/Hamburg, Israeli artist Hila Laviv held, with the help of Dana Yoeli, an exhibition and…
Ausstellung / Die Künste im technischen Zeitalter / Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg / Universitätsjubiläum 2019