
Beijing Bicycle_b
Film screening and talk
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 6.00 pm: Beijing Bicycle - Life and afterlife of a cinematic classic. In cooperation with the Chinese Film Festival Hamburg and China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
The Aby Warburg Foundation is pleased to invite, in cooperation with the Chinese Film Festival Hamburg and China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, to a film screening and talk on Saturday, May 11, at 6.00 pm: Beijing Bicycle – Life and afterlife of a cinematic classic.
Beijing Bicycle, release date: 2001, Director: Wang Xiaoshuai, Country: China, Language: Mandarin (with English Subtitles)
Free entrance.
The Warburg-Haus is excited to present a special screening event featuring the renowned Chinese film Beijing Bicycle in collaboration with the esteemed Chinese Film Festival Hamburg. Since its debut in 2001, Beijing Bicycle has received global recognition for its moving depiction of urban life in the Chinese capital. The film follows the intertwined fates of two young men from diverse backgrounds, whose paths cross due to a stolen bicycle. It is regarded as a significant piece in contemporary Chinese cinema, delving into themes of social hierarchy, economic inequality, and cultural evolution within the vibrant metropolis. Recognized for its cinematic excellence, Beijing Bicycle has received numerous accolades, including the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2001, followed by a temporary ban from Chinese authorities which was lifted in 2004 after some modifications.
Following the screening, we are pleased to invite you to participate in a discussion led by Hsu Hsiao-ming, one of the film’s producers, film theorist Ruby Chen, Ingo Offermanns from HFBK Hamburg, and art historians Uwe Fleckner and Yuning Teng from Hamburg University. The discussion aims to offer deeper insights into the film’s conception, themes, artistic vision, as well as its cultural and historical significance.
The event takes place in cooperation with the Warburg-Haus, Hamburg, and the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou.
- Hsu Hsiao-Ming
Producer, Director, Dean of School of Film and Animation, China Academy of Art. He is the representative of Directors of New Wave of Taiwan Cinema in the 1990s - Ruby Chen
One of the three founders of CNEX Foundation, CNEX Chief Operating Officer since 2006, and Executive Director of the China New Generation Image Media Association - Uwe Fleckner
Professor of Art History at Universität Hamburg. Co-Director of the Warburg Haus, Hamburg. Director of the Advanced School of Art and Humanities, China Academy of Art - Ingo Offermanns
Professor of Graphic Art, Vice President with area of responsibility International+Diversity, University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK) - Yuning Teng
Art historian and curator, Universität Hamburg
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