Die Künste im technischen Zeitalter II
Schwerpunktthema 2020
With the establishment of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek Warburg and the development of a set of instruments that takes art and images seriously as bearers of social, cultural and political significance across times and spaces, the scholars around Aby Warburg in Hamburg established art history as a modern science of cultural studies. For Warburg, as a technophile, the view of cultural forms of expression was always also one of the relationship between art, media and technical knowledge, up to the present. This interdisciplinary interest provides the occasion for the two-year focus topic at the Warburg-Haus to investigate the topicality of Warburg’s methodological heritage and, focusing on the relationship between art and technology, to take up innovative impulses and methodological reflections that continue to inspire to this day.
In the first half of 2020, the Warburg-Haus lectures will focus on Hans Blumenberg’s work on technology and art, on the occasion of the great philosopher’s centenary this year; on the architectural design of subway stations in Europe in the second half of the 20th century as a central feature of the infrastructural appearance of modern metropolises; and, in the lecture of this-year’s holder of the Warburg professorship, on pictorial worlds of visual experiences in Hamburg and German painting as well as Italian art of the late Trecento and early Quattrocento (Birgit Recki, Frank Schmitz, Christopher Wood). The lectures are framed by a program of cooperation events. In April, in cooperation with the Kunsthaus Hamburg, the exhibition Ah humanity! of filmmakers Véréna Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor from Harvard University’s Sensory Ethnography Lab shall provide the occasion for a curator’s guided tour of the exhibition followed by a panel discussion at the Warburg-Haus. In May, thanks to a cooperation with Flexibles Flimmern – The mobile cinema, a film screening of Paravel/Castaing-Taylor’s major work Leviathan (2012) is planned in the reading room, and in June, in cooperation with the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung and publishing house Klett-Cotta, an evening with Ernst Kantorowicz is to take place on the occasion of the publication of the German edition of Robert E. Lerner’s biography of the internationally influential historian and medievalist, with translator Thomas Gruber, Villa I Tatti Florence, Barbara Picht, ZfL Berlin, and Christopher Wood, New York University.
Die Künste im technischen Zeitalter II
Call for Papers: Warburg International Seminar 2018 »Political Emotions in the Arts«
Deadline 31 March 2018
Philipp Ekardt, Frank Fehrenbach, Cornelia Zumbusch The role of emotions in politics is currently subject to intensive debates. Sociology, political science and political philosophy have identified such feelings as trust, hope, fear, outrage or contempt as motors of protest movements, as part of…
Call for Papers / Warburg-Kolleg
Neuerscheinung: Magische Bilder
Mnemosyne. Schriften des internationalen Warburg-Kollegs, Band 5
“And if you were to ask me / After all that we’ve been through / Still believe in magic? / Yes, I do.” Diese Zeilen aus “Magic” von Coldplay stellen Uwe Fleckner und Iris Wenderholm ihrem einleitenden Aufsatz “Magie und Metapher. Wirkmächtige Bilder in…
Neuerscheinungen / Warburg-Kolleg
Landschaft wahrnehmen
Mit dem Warburg-Kolleg "Memorial Landscapes" in Taipeh II
Zwei Meter, vielleicht drei. Weiter wagen wir uns nicht vor die Türe des Hotels, bis uns der peitschende Wind mit zerzausten Haaren wieder zurückgehen lässt. In Taipeh fegt der Taifun. Während des Wirbelsturms lassen die staatlichen Vorgaben das öffentliche Leben brachliegen, Schulen und…
Landschaft beschreiben
Mit dem Warburg-Kolleg "Memorial Landscapes" in Taipeh I
Unerwartet ist die Lautstärke, das unablässliche Rauschen, mit dem sich der tiefgraue Liwu-Fluss durch die hochaufragenden Felsen schiebt und dort in Jahrmillionen seinen Weg durch die erodierten Marmorschichten hindurch gefunden hat. Dort in der Taroko-Schlucht, unweit von Taipeh gelegen, nimmt…
Memorial landscapes. World images East and West
International Warburg Seminar starts next week in Taipei
Hamburg University / Aby Warburg Foundation, Hamburg, in cooperation with National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University, Taipei The 2016-2017 International Warburg Seminar, to be held in Taipei on 26-30 September 2016 and in Hamburg on 3-7 April 2017 and aimed at doctoral…