Art History as Visual Experiment
Vortrag von Uwe Fleckner in Guangzhou
Am 29. Dezember 2016 hielt Uwe Fleckner, Direktor des Warburg-Hauses, an der School of Arts and Humanities in Guangzhou einen Vortrag zu “Art History as Visual Experiment. Aby Warburg’s Pictorial Dialectics and His Exhibition on ‘Manet and Italian Antiquity'”. Am nächsten Tag folgte, anknüpfend an die Veranstaltung am Abend, ein Workshop für Studierende zum weiter gefassten Thema “Aby Warburg and Art History”.
Latency in the Arts
Focus Topic 2017
Our modern lifeworlds or lived realities change at breakneck speed – and yet things that seem outmoded, the things we believe to have discarded, do not just disappear from the world. So what happens to the things that were there before? How does something fall into oblivion, then continue to…
Latenz in den Künsten