Warburg Professorship 2023
Barbara Baert, Leuven
The Aby Warburg Foundation and the Warburg-Haus are delighted to announce that Barbara Baert, Professor in Art History at the KU Leuven, is a guest at the Warburg-Haus since the end of February! Until the end of May, she will live and work in Hamburg. In May, she will hold the festive Warburg Professorship lecture in the context of this year’s annual focus topic, »Dynamics of Form«.
Barbara Baert (1967) is Professor in Medieval Art, Iconology, and Historiography at KU Leuven. Her work links knowledge and questions from the history of ideas, cultural anthropology, and philosophy, and shows great sensitivity to cultural archetypes and their symptoms in the visual arts. Her work has been honored with several awards, among which the prestigious Francqui Prize for Human Sciences in 2016. She was invited as a guest professor at numerous universities in Europe, Japan, and the United States. Barbara Baert was a fellow at the Internationales Kolleg für Kulturforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) of the Weimar Bauhaus Universität (2015), the Istituto di Studi Avanzati of the Università di Bologna (2018), the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (2019), and the Center of Excellence BildEvidenz of the Freie Universität Berlin (2020). In 2021 she was the holder of the James Loeb Lecture at ZIKG in Munich.
Among her recent books are: Signed PAN. Erwin Panofsky’s (1892-1968) »The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline« (Princeton, 1938) (Peeters Publishers), 2020; From Kairos to Occasio along Fortuna. Text / Image / Afterlife (Brepols & Harvey Miller), 2021; The Gaze from Above. Reflections on Cosmic Eyes in Visual Culture, (Peeters Publishers), 2021; Petrifying Gazes. Danaë and the Uncanny Space, (Peeters Publishers), 2021; and Looking Into the Rain. Magic-Moisture-Medium, (De Gruyter), 2022.
At the Warburg-Haus Barbara Baert is preparing her book Closer to the Marshes. Myth, Method & Medium.
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023, 7 pm
»Rocks and Tears. Niobe’s Fate as Dynamics of Form«
152nd Birthday of Aby Warburg
Aby Moritz Warburg, 13.6.1866 - 26.10.1929
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